Tuesday, April 14, 2009

maybe tomorrow

wow.. its been a long time since my 1st attempt at blogging.
Lets try again....

Hmm.. maybe tomorrow..

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

petrol up.. chicken down...

wake up.. you must be dreaming... no..not u. its them dumb ass sitting on their fat ass in putrajaya... no. i dont get it either. petrol is what gets thing moving. come on laa.. my 8 year old can display more logic ...

if i sell pisang goreng... i pay for petrol when i go get my pisang in gombak. i pay for petrol to get my flour at carrefour.... and my cooking oil. but itdoesnt stop there stupid. carefoure pays for petrol to get the pisangs there. and the pisang farmer pays for petrol every time he goes to his kebun. n wat about the fertilizers he need for his kebun ..and his racun rumput...

Pak Lah, my advise to u is get a team of new economic advisors. stick with the ones u have now n they will pull u down the drain.... watched tv 3 this morning.. made me sick.. sapa nak awek getik dengan budak boroy tu?... nak mengampu kerajaan tu pun pepatut laaaa weh